What is Col Fondo Prosecco?
How is it made?
The wine on the right is Col Fondo Prosecco and shows the cloudiness compared to Prosecco (on the left)
Col Fondo meaning wine ‘with the bottom’ is a cloudy form of Prosecco. It is cloudy due to the lees (dead yeasts) that remain in the bottle because it is not disgorged. In the more common clear Prosecco, the yeasts are filtered out before the wine is bottled. The signature fizz is created in the tank rather than bottles. In Col Fondo, the fermentation occurs in the bottle. The wine rests on its lees after the fermentation is completed and develops bready notes. Col Fondo is released without removing the yeasts and therefore no dosage is added after the second fermentation has completed.
The Grapes.
It is produced from a minimum of 85% Glera. Other grape varieties that can be used are the same as in the Prosecco DOC or DOCG. These are Chardonnay, Pinot Nero (Pinot Noir), Verdiso, Perera, Glera Lunga and Bianchetta Trevigiana, which you can read more about here.
This is the main grape used in Prosecco and must be used in a minimum of 85%. Often it is the solo variety in Prosecco. It was previously known as Prosecco but this name is no longer legally permitted, however, some Australian produces still call it by this name. It is mostly grown in north-east Italy and mainly for the production of Prosecco. Generally, it produces semi-aromatic wines with floral, stone fruit and pear flavours. In Col Fondo, the aromatic flavours are less obvious as the flavours become yeastier, herbaceous and are very reminiscent of granny smith apples.
What does it taste like?
Col Fondo is more interesting than many Prosecco’s. The dead yeasts add a savour, pastry-like character. There are sour notes similar to crisp green apples. Some bottles can have lovely dried desert thyme or sage-like aromas. They are slightly less fizzy than filtered Prosecco so has a gentler palate.